Tuesday, August 20, 2013

I have a dream... A smoothie dream...

Sunrise At Sea
This morning as I made my first morning smoothie as a sophomore at Texas A&M, I had a dream. A smoothie dream. I blame the tropical mix I used in my smoothie for causing me to day dream. I credited the smoothie with the name Sunrise at Sea. If you need a smoothie to help you fade into sunrise dreams, check it out.

Sunrise at Sea
-1 cup orange juice (very tropical!)
-1 cup kale
-1 stalk celery
-1 cup frozen berries of choice
-1 tbsp. almond butter
-1 tsp. hemp seeds
-1 tsp. chia seeds
-1 tsp. spirulina blue green algae (now we are officially at sea!)
-1 cup water and ice

So what was my dream? I dreamed that one weeknight, all my college friends came over for a smoothie night! With a handy dandy Vitamix that makes amazing smoothies, who wouldn't want to come? My friend Courtney actually came over last night and enjoyed one on me because she had had a long day at Rush. She saw me prepare it with some greens, but once she had a sip, she was immediately impressed! Not bad, quite refreshing, actually is what I recall her saying.

I dream that we could turn this smoothie night into possibly a girl's night, then maybe add boys later if this smoothie night becomes a tradition! I think it should be BYOC (Bring Your Own Cup). For a berry smoothie night, BYOB (Bring Your Own Berries)! For a chocolate-y, banana goodness night, BYOB (Bring Your Own Bananas)! The options are endless :) Dreaming tends to have that effect. To top it off, we can have a round of games going or even finish with a movie, a night out on the town, just some good ole chatting, or whatever fits the mood.

One day, I hope this dream comes true! But, I don't want to get carried away with the start of school. I need to focus on my schoolwork first! Take it one step at a time :)

Cheers to smoothie dreams!

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