Sunday, July 14, 2013

Exercise Together!

"No matter how slow you go, you are still lapping everyone on the couch!" So get up, get out, and go exercise any way, any time with any one. One of my favorite ways to exercise is to run 5K's with my family and friends. 5K's are a great way to do a family activity, get together with friends, or motivate yourself to get off the couch! Plus, there are so many 5K's out there with a cause - disease awareness like Race For The Cure, holidays like the Thanksgiving Turkey Trot, and themed ones like Too Hot Too Handle for summer. Find out about ones near you at your sports stores like Run On, online, or from friends. Also, I should probably mention in case you don't know, 5K's are about 3 miles. You always see people running, jogging, walking, so just go your own pace or challenge yourself by trying to keep a friend's pace.

This morning, my friend Courtney and I ran the Too Hot Too Handle 5K at White Rock Lake in Dallas and had a blast! It was probably one of the nicest 5K's I have run because it was slightly drizzling, so instead of being super hot in the middle of summer, we were blessed with nice cool little water droplets. My favorite part of a 5K run is treating it like an obstacle course by trying to weave and dodge between people to get ahead of the pack, which challenges me in a fun way and makes me go even faster! My second favorite part is at the end when all the booths pass out free stuff! What a treat! Courtney and I's next goal is to run a 15K! Wish us luck!

5K Run with my bestie!
So if you are looking for a fun way to exercise, try out a 5K near you!
Trust me 5K runs are addicting they are so fun!

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