Monday, August 12, 2013

An Inspiring Super Athlete

I recently read a super inspiring book by Rich Roll called Finding Ultra. As one of the world's fittest men, Rich Roll is a no meat athlete who has conquered several feats including the elite Ultraman competition (320 miles of swimming, biking, and running) as well as the ultimate EPIC 5 (5 Ironman-distance triathlons on 5 different Hawaiian islands in less than a week!). Wow!

Surprisingly, several top athletes these days are vegans. Therefore, I originally picked up the book to learn how a top athlete, such as Rich Roll, thrives on a vegan diet. But, what I got was a whole book of inspiration. Finding Ultra tells Rich Roll's journey from his childhood years of embarrassment and swimming to his early adult years as a lawyer and alcoholic and finally to his middle age transformation of marriage and athletic feats. Rich Roll's journey really taught me that we can always overcome obstacles with great motivation, we can always transform our lives for better, and we can do anything if we put our mind to it. Are you sold yet? Then, pick up this book and read it! If you need even a little inspiration in your life, this is a great book! 

As Rich Roll transformed his life in his 40's to find love, happiness, and health, he literally transformed the way he looked, too. His body evolution is a testament to the power of nutrition, exercise, and happiness. 

Before Age 40 & After Age 45

Overall, I was not expecting to read such a good book when I picked it up off the shelf at Barnes and Nobles, but when I started reading it I couldn't stop and ended up finishing the book in 2 days! As a man in his 40's, Rich illustrates how it is never too late to turn your life around. So what are you waiting for! Follow your heart, your passion, and find health! If you want to find out more about Rich, his training, his diet, and more, check out his website!

Vegan Athlete Promotes His Plant Power Diet

It is truly amazing the energy, happiness, and health, good nutrition can bring to you. Just take one step at a time! Or, in Rich's case, one triathlon at a time! ;)

Cheers to health!

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