Tuesday, August 13, 2013

Be Raw Round 2!

This week I went to Be Raw again, but this time I took my brother! Reminder: Be Raw is a super cool restaurant in Dallas located near Northwest Hwy & Tollway that serves only non-cooked meals, which means the ingredients are raw, super fresh, and packed with live enzymes!

Miracle #1: My brother tried the Kale Salad with me!!!!!! Why is this a miracle? Well, I have never seen my brother eat a leafy green in his entire life, not in a salad, not on a burger, not on a sandwich, never!!!! I think my recent promotion of healthy foods has kicked in for my brother. Of course, I give Be Raw's healthy, colorful ambience credit, too. They make their food look absolutely delicious. Plus, I told my brother kale was not a wimpy, leafy green, it was a tough stuff green with a more "meaty" taste packed with much needed nutrients he could use after his football workout that day. Guess what! Kale has more iron than beef, more calcium than milk, and more vitamin C than spinach! Who said vegetarians weren't getting their nutrients? Anyway, here is a picture of our delicious Kale Salad from Be Raw... feast your eyes on this beauty...

Deep green kale leaves marinated in olive oil and lemon juice, with tomatoes, olives, avocado, hemp seeds and sun dried tomatoes
Kale Salad from Be Raw!

Next up, some drinks (smoothies and juices) we tried...
#1 Juice with carrot, apple, and ginger
#2 Chocolate Bliss with spirulina blue-green algae
#3 Green Smoothie with avocado, spinach, kale, walnuts, coconut water and agave or dates

Each of these elixirs was outstanding! Here's a quick summary over each of them...

#1 I always ask for light on the ginger in my juice. It is super good for you but super spicy in my opinion, so if you can't stand the kick, ask them to take it down a notch but keep it in so you still get some of its health benefits. Among many benefits, it helps fight intestinal distress and inflammation. Carrots are a great source of beta-carotene and an apple a day keeps the doctor away, so drink up! 

#2 Love this because I love chocolate. The cocoa contains an amazing amount of flavanols! And, don't even get me started on spirulina, a super powerful food. Spirulina is packed with protein, amino acids, vitamins galore, about 26x the calcium in milk, and is extremely high in chlorophyll (which helps remove toxins and boost immunity!) Yepp, sounds to me like spirulina is pretty special.

#3 Let's cut to the chase. Greens are great for you, so of course this smoothie is great for you! Additionally, coconut water contains an excellent source of electrolytes and agave/dates are natural sweeteners!

Carrot, Apple, Ginger Juice

See the book in that previous picture - Sunfood Living - well, I ordered it for about $4 off amazon and started reading it! The first chapter was very eye opening! You can definitely expect me to be posting about it soon :)

PIZZA Time! Who said you can't have pizza while on a raw, vegan diet? Well, it's a little different than pizza with fat-oozing cheese, artificial tomato sauce, and gluten-filled bread (unless of course you are eating a healthier, more gourmet version to fast food pizza), but in my opinion, this pizza is more delicious. Gosh, I know American pizza can taste oh so good... but once you start eating healthier, you won't go back. You will feel healthier, more satisfied with this all natural, raw pizza! This California pizza from Be Raw is ricotta cashew cheese, basil pesto, sweet onions topped with roma tomatoes, avocado, pico de gallo & pineapple on top of a dehydrated cracker. Best part is the pineapple, which gives this pizza a slightly sweeter, more tropical taste :) Indulge and dream a little dream of being at the beach while you enjoy this one.

No way a burger?! Yes, you can still have burgers! What is a Be Raw Burger? Be Raw's Bliss Burger is a sunflower seed patty with crisp lettuce, beefsteak tomato, red onion rings, avocado and pickles. Let me tell you it was definitely blissful. My taste buds were so happy! I now cringe just thinking about those fake, fatty pieces in old burgers. Revamp your meal with this burger instead!

Last but not least, dessert! I went a little overboard and took 3 delicious pictures of my melt in your mouth Raw, Vegan Brownie! What makes this ooey-gooey deliciousness... simply cocoa, dates, walnuts, agave, vanilla, and some blueberries for a little sweetness on top :) 

I hope you can tell from my quick picture snaps of my meals at Be Raw that this restaurant really takes the time to make your meals look artsy, colorful, and delicious! I love love love this place! Everyone should go try it! Support a restaurant that uses all natural, super healthy ingredients to keep it running! I want it to still be here when I come back from A&M where I go to college! So, help a girl out!

Cheers to Mother Nature's food!

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