Wednesday, August 14, 2013

Astonishing Quotes!

Currently, I am reading Sunfood Living: Resource Guide for Global Health by John McCabe, a book everyone should read, especially if you are interested in your own health and the health of our planet! In this informative book, John McCabe incorporates eye-opening quotes from reliable sources. I wanted to share some quotes I read today that really struck a chord with my compassion for our beautiful planet. 

From a 2006 Earth Day pamphlet (WorldFestEvents.Com),
"The Earth has been around for 4.6 billion years. Scaling this down to 46 years, we have been around for 4 hours and our Industrial Revolution began just 1 minute ago. During this short time period, we have ransacked the planet for ways to get fuels and raw materials, have been the cause of extinction of an unthinkable amount of plants and animals, and have multiplied our population to that of a plague." 

Wow! All that in 1 minute out of 46 years, in which time we have caused great affliction to our planet, its resources, and its biodiversity. We all know we should be reducing our carbon footprints, working to help our planet, and striving to help others, but we get so caught up in day to day life that we do not think about the bigger picture. We are just a small blink in Earth's time and we are but ants to Earth's size. Take a moment to feel small...

Words were never truer: "Without a healthy planet we cannot survive."

Second astonishing quote, which I believe I have heard before, is as follows:

According to the Food and Agriculture Organization in Rome, Italy in 2006, "The livestock sector generates more greenhouse gas emissions as measured in CO2 equivalent than transport [cars and trucks]." 

Whether this is still true, reducing our reliance on livestock will greatly help our planet and our own health. Not to be old fashion, but try out Meatless Mondays, then maybe add Fruity Friday, Soup & Salad Saturday, etc... haha just playing with words, but seriously eat more fruits and veggies! 

Last but not least, John McCabe brings up a very good point. Why do we eat spinach grown 3 thousand miles away? Why do we drink orange juice from oranges grown in Italy? Why do we eat lettuce from California if we live in Florida? And, the questions continue infinitely.... Likewise, why do we eat foods grown using toxic fertilizers, pesticides, fungicides, herbicides, insecticides, and that contain food dyes, preservatives, and flavorings made from petroleum, coal, and other fossil fuels.... yuckkk. If we could see this stuff with our visible eye, we would not eat that "food." 

As FootRoutes.Org suggest,
"There are many reasons to buy locally grown food. You'll get exceptional taste and freshness, strengthen your local economy, support endangered family farms, safeguard your family's health, and protect the environment... [Note:] Fruits and vegetables shipping from distance states and countries can spend as many as 7-14 days in transit before they arrive in the supermarket." 

Simply, local food is fresher, more nutritious, sustainable. It helps reduce pollution from transportation of far away foods. Additionally, organically grown food helps preserve soils and helps nurture our health. 

There are really endless reasons why local grown food, food grown in your own back yard, and food grown naturally is the way we were meant to live, simply, humbly, and healthy.

Concerned about world hunger or food shortages... well, here is a thought:
According to Citizens for Healthy Options in Children's Education, CHOICE.USA,
"An acre of prime land can produce 40,000 pounds of potatoes, 30,000 pounds of carrots, 50,000 pounds of tomatoes but only 250 pounds of beef."

Yikes! We have the opportunity to feed so many more people!

Make healthy choices! Our Earth is counting on YOU!

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